ICOI membership signifies your commitment to continuous study and training in the field of implantology, whether placing or restoring dental implants. Our members develop professionally by participation in a “true family” of international colleagues who are deeply committed to implant education. The result is a strong foundation of quality treatment for their patients. The ICOI provides unparalleled implant educations to dentists, dental technicians and auxiliary team members. In any given year, the ICOI and its affiliates sponsor over 10 symposia around the globe. With this global reach, the ICOI can provide you with needed implant education regardless of where you practice. The ICOI is your PASSPORT to dental education to better serve your patients.
ICOI Membership Benefits
-Bi-monthly subscription to ICOI peer reviewed journal, Implant Dentistry and the on-line archives
-Live Monthly webinars and their archived recordings
-Customized Patient Education Videos
-Access to ICOI "Members Only" Section
-International certification program: Fellowship, Mastership and Diplomate credentialing
-Prosthetic patient consent and communication forms
-Quarterly subscription to ICOI World News & E-News
-ICOI membership listing and link to your practice at www.icoi.org and www.dentalimplants.com
-Special member discounts on multiple annual meetings
-Membership certificate
-Membership card and lapel pin
Membership Criteria
(1) Members of the Center may be any natural or legal persons with a legitimate interest in the Center's purpose.
(2) Prospective members must submit a completed membership application form to a Board member; transmission by fax meets the requirement. The application must be sponsored by a member.
(3) The Board decides on the membership application at its proper discretion. Approval of an application for membership does not require a formal board meeting, the application was made available to all Board members and that the Board members were given sufficient time to raise possible objections. Refusal of an application for membership may be appealed within one month to the next Board meeting. The appeal must be made in writing to the Vice-President; transmission by fax is acceptable.
Termination of membership
(1) Membership is terminated by death, expulsion, cancellation of membership or withdrawal from the Center.
(2) Withdrawal can be made by written notice to the Board. Intent of withdrawal must be declared with three months’ notice and takes effect at the end of the ongoing fiscal year.
(3) Membership may be cancelled by a simple majority of the Board if the member is in default of membership fees or contributions despite receiving two written reminders. Cancellation of membership may not take place until two months have passed from the date of the second reminder and the threat of expulsion was included in that reminder. The member must be notified about the cancellation decision taken by the Board.
(4) Expulsion of a member is possible only for important cause. Decisions on the expulsion of a member are made by the Board. The decision on the expulsion must be justified in writing and communicated to the member by registered mail. The expelled member may appeal the Board’s decision.
Membership fees
(1) The Center charges membership fees to defray its expenses. In special cases, the Board may decide to levy apportioned contributions.
(2) Fees and contributions as well as due dates are set by the ICOI on recommendation of the Board.
(3) The Board may, in appropriate cases, defer or waive fees or contributions in whole or in part or enter into special agreement with foreign-based professional societies.