Meetings and Symposia

Iranian Dental Association hosts the First FDI Persian Regional Congress & 34th ICOI World Congress in conjuntion with its 56th annual meeting (EXCIDA 56)


For event details and scientific schedule please click here

The first IRAN COI Congress, a milestone in Iranian Dentistry

The first congress of IRAN COI (ICOI Component Society in Iran) with the support of Iranian Dental Association will be convened in Tehran at Olympic Hotel Convention Center on 10-12 June 2015.

The theme of congress is:”Advances and Challenges in Esthetic Implant Dentistry” and it offers a comprehensive and intensive educational programs as well as thoroughgoing workshops of innovative methods and procedures for entire implant team including dentists, surgeons, prosthodontists, periodontists, oral & maxillofacial radiologists, dental technicians and dental nurses

For event details and scientific schedule please click here