About ICOI

ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologists)

ICOI aims at ensuring the global advancement of implant dentistry with over 25,000 ICOI members in over 100 countries. ICOI makes surgical and prosthetic advancements and techniques easily accessible resulting in enhanced dental practice and increased patient acceptance.

Founded in Paris in 1972, the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) is an interactive society open to all dental professionals including general dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, prosthodontists, endodontists, orthodontists, laboratory technicians, auxiliaries, industry representatives, researchers, faculty members, pre and post doctoral graduate dental students as well as the general public.

An Internationally acclaimed association in the field of implant dentistry and an affiliate to FDI, ICOI is the world’s largest provider of continuing dental implant education.

All dental professionals are warmly welcomed in ICOI and can be the member of the world's largest dental implant organization. ICOI membership signifies dental professionals' commitment to continuous study and training in the field of implantology, whether placing or restoring dental implants. ICOI members develop professionally by participation in a "true family" of international colleagues who are deeply committed to implant education. The result is a strong foundation of quality treatment for their patients.


ICOI has hosted 7 consensus conferences since 1988.

In 1990, the Association of Dental Implant Auxiliaries (ADIA) was established and for supporting innovations in the field of implant dentistry, ICOI's Implant Dentistry Research and Education Foundation (IDREF) was founded in 1993 which acts through sponsorship of research and education programs.

To unite restorative dentists, surgical practitioners and technicians as well as elevating prosthetic standards, skills and techniques, Implant Prosthetic Section (IPC) was established in 1995 for all ICOI members.The ICOI has always maintained that Implant dentistry is a prosthetic discipline with a surgical component!  If you restore implants, you will benefit & can participate in ICOI credentialing programs. If you place implants, you & your referring colleagues will reap the benefits. If do both, you double your educational value.


In 2004, the first comprehensive guide to implant terminology, named ICOI Glossary of Implant Dentistry was published.

ICOI has hosted more than 177 symposia in 55 countries educating in excess of 90,000 practitioners and their teams and it has published and archived all scientific and clinically relevant articles since 1992 in ICOI's Journal.

ICOI offers multiple symposia and advanced training annually which the members can benefit the fee discount

Headquartered in New Jersey in the United States, ICOI acts through its international officers and Board of Directors including Co-Chairpersons, Executive Committee, Executive Directors and 22 ICOI Directors.

Dr. Kenneth W. M Judy and Dr. Carl E. Misch who are internationally acclaimed dental professionals in the field of implant dentistry serve as ICOI Co-Chairmen.

Additionally, ICOI's Advanced Credentials Commission and ICOI Ambassadors' Circle are integral and crucial parts of this organization due to substantially enhance the quantity and quality of the practice of implant dentistry throughout the globe. 

ICOI's Advanced Credentialing Commission was created to recommend members, review their applications and suggest approval for fellowship status. Further, for Mastership and Diplomate status, interviews by 2-3 ACC members are required as well as a review of cases and a written exam administered by ACC members.

104 internationally renowned dental professionals from 37 countries serve as ACC members which 7 of them are Iranians: 

Dr. Ahmad Hassan Ahangari
Dr. Ali Hassani
Dr. Alireza Rokn
Dr. Mojtaba Seyedein
Dr. Hassan Shayesteh
Dr. Morteza Neshandar
Dr. Kaveh Seyedan


ICOI Ambassadors' Circle consists of 100 world leaders from 37 countries in the field of implant dentistry who are taking the extra step to help promote not only implant education, but also membership in ICOI and commitment to its goals.5 noted Iranian professionals are the members of ICOI Ambassadors' Circle:

Dr. Mojtaba Seyedein
Dr. Hassan Shayesteh
Dr. Morteza Neshandar
Dr. Kaveh Seyedan
Dr. Ahmad Hassan Ahangari



Furthermore, ICOI's network extends to 65 worldwide component and affiliate societies to provide, to assist and encourage regional education to well over 25,000 active and connected members.

A component society is one in which all members or a large percentage of members are also ICOI members. There are 8 ICOI Component Societies Worldwide which Iranian Center of Oral Implantology chaired by Dr. S.M. Seyedein is one of them.

An affiliate society is one where a small number of members are ICOI members.

ICOI Mission

ICOI aims to fulfill the needsof its members, including each segment of the dental implant team, and to provide them with high quality education to better serve their patients. Due to achieve substantial advancement of science and quality of implant dentistry practice, ICOI strives
to support clinical and basic research and report the findings to its members and recognize their achievements;
to interface with related health care and manufacturing entities worldwide;
to promote high standards of personal and professional ethics;
to encourage international fraternity and providesubstantive information for existing and potential patients.

ICOI offers variety of opportunities to its members.

By being the member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, you can benefit the wealth of knowledge and educational stuff offered by ICOI.

ICOI offers multiple symposia and advanced training annually which the members can benefit the fee discount.

ICOI expands members' educational resources by monthly archived on-line webinars. It provides additional dynamic educational opportunities and resources through members only section for enhancing its member knowledge in implant dentistry.

IMPLANT DENTISTRY, the official journal of the ICOI provides the members with scientifically based and relevant articles that have "Monday Morning" practical applications.

The journals delivered to your door as ICOI member, every othermonth & over 1300 articles are available on-line.

Through participating in ICOI Credentialing programs, dental professionals' knowledge will be enhanced substantially ensuring quality, safety and positive patient outcomes.

Credentialing programs represent the best avenue to constantly challenge oneself.  By testing and evaluating your knowledge of implant dentistry and clinical skills, you review, learn new concepts and elevate your standards.Fellows, Masters and Diplomates of the ICOI voluntarily participate in certification programs for implant dentists all around the world.

International ICOI Medals are the most certified symbol of dental education offered to dental professionals who are eligible to obtain IPS Mastership and ICOI Diplomate certificate. 


Join the ICOI and benefit tremendously.