Featured Information



56th Exhibition and Congress of Iranian Dental Association (EXCIDA 56) in conjunction with the First FDI Persian Regional Congress, Tehran, 17-20 May 2016

Date: 17-20 May 2016

Location: Tehran, Iran (the Islamic Republic of)

Website: www.excida.ir


Attend the most distinguished dental event in the Middle East.

EXCIDA is the largest and the most established combined dental congress and exhibition in Iran. EXCIDA is the right place to get latest insights, new approaches and extensive dental educational programs for highest possible standards of professional dental practice. An extensive exhibition associated with the event offers attendees the vast ranging selection of dental services and products through the fantastic array of prominent companies from dental industry.

Over 10,000 dental professionals attend EXCIDA each year to obtain latest trends in dentistry.

On May 2016, Iranian Dental Association hosts the First FDI Persian Regional Congress in conjunction with its annual meeting (EXCIDA 56). EXCIDA 56’s Scientific Committee in concert with FDI Senior Advisors will bring together a stellar lineup of world-class faculty and speakers.

EXCIDA 56 will be an ideal place for perfecting clinical skills, enhancing the success of dental career and integrating with prominent dental manufacturers and suppliers who will showcase a vast array of dental products, equipment, and materials.

The theme of this spectacular event is: “Nations Collaboration via Nations Gate." The gate refers to Gate of All Nations in Persepolis (Persian ancient city registered as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites) and is the metaphor of an ambience in which all nations are welcomed due to promote active scientific collaboration.

Tehran is the capital city and cultural centre of the nation. Tehran is the home to many historic mosques, churches, synagogues and Zoroastrian fire temples as well as over 54 museums and art galleries.

Be the part of this not-to-be-missed dental event and explore Tehran. For more information please click here





On October 2015, Berlin will be the gathering place of renowned academicians and dental clinicians from around the world. ICOI World Congress features latest in dental implantology on topics from soft tissue applications around implants, growth factors in surgical healing, treatment of periimplantitis, digital communication skills for minimally invasive surgery and much more. The congress venue is Maritim Hotel located in the midst of Berlin between Kurfurstendamm and the Brandenburg Gate offering the true sprite of German capital city. For more information please click here




DDS WORLD will be held as a show within a show at the Dental World Budapest dental trade fair on October 1-3 2015, which will be celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2015.

Dental World is the leading international dental exhibition in East Central Europe. About 1,500 daily participants and nearly 250 exhibitors are expected to attend. For more information please click here





FDI has naturally been concerned about recent events in Bangkok and a team from the Geneva office has
been onsite assessing the situation. We are happy to announce that the Thai government has taken swift
and effective action and the situation has returned to normal. Furthermore, our local partner and member,
the Dental Association of Thailand, has communicated the following statement:

“Following recent events in Bangkok, the Dental Association of Thailand has been in contact with the
Government of Thailand. We have received assurances that special security measures are now in place
and will remain so throughout the period leading up to the FDI Annual World Dental Congress and

For the Dental Association of Thailand, the security and comfort of congress participants are an absolute
priority. We are convinced that the measures now in place will ensure that your stay in Bangkok will be
both safe and enjoyable.”

We therefore look forward to welcoming you one and all to Bangkok for the FDI Annual World Dental
Congress, 22 to 25 September.

To access congress website please click here



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