The first congress of IRAN COI (ICOI Component Society in Iran) with the support of Iranian Dental Association will be convened in Tehran at Olympic Hotel Convention Center on 10-12 June 2015.
An Internationally acclaimed association in the field of implant dentistry and an affiliate to FDI, ICOI (the International Congress of Oral Implantologists) is the world’s largest provider of continuing dental implant education.
Founded in Paris in 1972, the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) is an interactive society open to all dental professionals including general dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, prosthodontists, endodontists, orthodontists, laboratory technicians, auxiliaries, industry representatives, researchers, faculty members, pre and post doctoral graduate dental students as well as the general public.
ICOI was the first international society for recognizing and credentialing the implant education in Iran.
Scientific congresses and affiliate societies are considered as the major sources of ICOI activities in our country.
Headquartered in New Jersey in the United States, ICOI acts through its international officers and Board of Directors including Co-Chairpersons, Executive Committee, Executive Directors and 22 ICOI Directors.
Dr. Kenneth W. M Judy and Dr. Carl E. Misch who are internationally acclaimed dental professionals in the field of implant dentistry serve as ICOI Co-Chairmen.
Additionally, ICOI's Advanced Credentials Commission and ICOI Ambassadors' Circle are integral and crucial parts of this organization due to substantially enhance the quantity and quality of the practice of implant dentistry throughout the globe.
ICOI's Advanced Credentialing Commission was created to recommend members, review their applications and suggest approval for fellowship status. Further, for Mastership and Diplomate status, interviews by 2-3 ACC members are required as well as a review of cases and a written exam administered by ACC members.
104 internationally renowned dental professionals from 37 countries serve as ACC members which 7 of them are Iranians:
Dr. Ahmad Hassan Ahangari, Dr. Ali Hassani, Dr. Alireza Rokn, Dr. Mojtaba Seyedein, Dr. Hassan Shayesteh, Dr. Morteza Neshandar, Dr. Kaveh Seyedan.
ICOI Ambassadors' Circle consists of 100 world leaders from 37 countries in the field of implant dentistry who are taking the extra step to help promote not only implant education, but also membership in ICOI and commitment to its goals.5 noted Iranian professionals are the members of ICOI Ambassadors' Circle:
Dr. Mojtaba Seyedein, Dr. Hassan Shayesteh, Dr. Morteza Neshandar, Dr. Kaveh Seyedan, Dr. Ahmad Hassan Ahangari.
Furthermore, ICOI's network extends to 65 worldwide component and affiliate societies to provide, to assist and encourage regional education to well over 25,000 active and connected members.
A component society is one in which all members or a large percentage of members are also ICOI members. There are 8 ICOI Component Societies Worldwide which Iranian Center of Oral Implantology chaired by Dr. S.M. Seyedein is one of them.
An affiliate society is one where a small number of members are ICOI members.
At the summer of 2014, Iranian Center of Oral Implantology was recognized as ICOI Component Society in Iran due to its rapid growth and actions and it will host the First IRAN COI Component Society Congress in which internationally acclaimed lectures will be attended.
Dr. Morshedi, as the Chair of the First IRAN COI Component Society Congress declared:” This is my great pleasure to deliver a welcome message on the occasion of the first IRAN COI Component Society Congress.
The congress will provide the opportunity for a comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in implant dentistry. Many distinguished scholars in the field of oral implantology have agreed to join the faculty participating in this congress including Dr. Kenneth Judy, an internationally acclaimed dental scientist and Co-Chairman of ICOI.
Undoubtedly, the congress will substantially enhance the professional knowledge and skills of dental professionals and make them fit to practice. “
The theme of congress is:”Advances and Challenges in Esthetic Implant Dentistry” and it offers a comprehensive and intensive educational programs as well as thoroughgoing workshops of innovative methods and procedures for entire implant team including dentists, surgeons, prosthodontists, periodontists, oral & maxillofacial radiologists, dental technicians and dental nurses.
This congress alongside an exhibition offering the most technologically advanced products and services has the support of Iranian Dental Association and will be convened on 10-12 June 2015 in Tehran at Olympic Hotel Convention Center.
ICOI members, dental technicians and hygienists will benefit from the discount of Congress Registration Fee while for ICOI Diplomates and dental students; it will be free of charge.
For event details and scientific schedule please click here.