Welcome Message of IDA President


Dear colleagues,

Dear participants of 56th EXCIDA,1st FDI Persian Regional Congress and 34th ICOI World Congress,

As the president of Iranian Dental Association (IDA), this is my great pleasure to deliver a welcome message on the auspicious occasion of 56th EXCIDA, the first FDI Persian Regional Congress and 34th ICOI World Congress that will be convened in Tehran on 17-20 May 2016.
Founded in 1963, IDA is dentists’ organization aimed at improving public dental health and promoting art and science of dentistry. IDA strives for excellence in dental profession through supporting all national dental societies as well as holding annual scientific congresses.
The 2016 congress which is co partnered by FDI features scientific panels of national as well as international renowned dental scholars and provides the opportunity for a comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in dentistry.

I look forward to seeing our colleagues in the coming congress.
With warm regards,

Dr. Gholamreza Ghaznavi
President of Iranian Dental Association