Message from the ICOI Co-Chairman




ICOI’s Current and Future Structure

The ICOI is now over 40 years old. Berlin in this fall will be the site of its 32nd world congress. There are members in over 100 countries. The ICOI is the largest implant society in the world and delivers an extensive and diverse range of continuing education. Members in the ICOI should fully understand the depth of the organization, its management structure, its stability as well as how individual members can participate and influence its growth.

Each year the ICOI is involved in 10-12 international meetings. The success of our members and improvement in overall health care are paramount. The ICOI has no commercial affiliations. Each and every member should be able to grow and to become leaders in the field of oral Implantology/implant dentistry, their communities, even their countries.

Hopefully, this presentation will encourage even more participation since you will have a better understanding of your organization.

Dr. Kenneth Judy

ICOI Co-Chairman