Lecturers & Speakers
Dr. Kenneth Judy, DDS, FIDC
Dr. Judy is the Co-Chairman of the ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologists). He is a Clinical Professor, Department of Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry and a Clinical Professor, Department of Periodontology and Implantology, Temple University, Kronberg School of Dentistry, Philadelphia. He has authored or co-authored over 100 articles, textbook chapters or editorials related to dental implant therapy. Dr. Judy maintains a private practice in New York City.
Dr. Homayoun Homazadeh, DDS, PhD
He is a tenured Associate Professor and the director of the post-doctoral periodontology program at the University of Southern California (USC), Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry and a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He is internationally recognized for his clinical and scientific expertise. His clinical areas of interest range from esthetic and minimally invasive periodontal and implant surgery, as well as tissue engineering.
Dr. Robert J. Miller, M.A., D.D.S, F.A.C.D
He is a Board Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry, Diplomate International Congress or Oral Implantoloists, Honored Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Fellow Academy of Osseointegration, and Fellow American College of Dentists. He has served as President of the South Palm Beach County Dental Association and Atlantic Coast District Dental Association. Dr. Miller has lectured nationally on all phases of oral implantology and aesthetic dentistry and is the director of The Center for Advanced Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry in Delray Beach, FL.
Dr. Guido O. Sarnachiaro, DDS
He is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine's Department of Prosthodontics, and at the Temple University School of Dentistry’s Department of Periodontology-Oral Implantology. He is a Clinical Professor at the Maimonides University School of Dentistry. Dr. Sarnachiaro has done extensive research in the fields of dental implants and related biomaterials. He has lectured throughout the United States, and in Argentina, Brazil and Italy.
Dr. Henriette Lerner
She received her dental degree from the University for Medicine and Dentistry in Temechsburg, Germany in 1990. She then completed postgraduate surgical education in Karlsruhe until 1993, when she opened a private practice in Bruchsal, Germany, focusing primarily on Implant Dentistry, Periodontal Diseases, and Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Lerner is a Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantology, and an Expert of the German Society of Oral Implantology.
Dr. Konstantinos D. Valavanis DDS
Dr Valavanis is Professor in the Oral Surgery Department, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, ITALY. He is a senior partner in the Athens Dental Institute, Athens, Greece. He currently serves as the president of ICOI-Hellas, Ambassador and member on the board of directors of ICOI, board member of the SENAME Implantology Association (Naples-Italy) and on the editorial Board for the “implant dentistry” journal. He is also founding member and implantology specialist of the German Implantology Society (DGOI) and Diplomate in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI). He lectures nationally and internationally mainly on aesthetic implant dentistry.
Uli Hauschild
He is a member of the International Dental Excellence Laboratory Group, certified referent of the DGOI, Mentor of Simplant Academy and in the board of directors of the Digital Dentistry Society. He is an expert of the Dental Online College and obtained Fellowship and Mastership status of the ICOI. Both nationally and internationally, he regularly delivers presentations on Implant Dentistry and Computer guided Implantology. As one of the pioneers of computer aided Implantology, Uli Hauschild became opinion leader and beta tester for market leading suppliers.