Message from the IDA President


Dear colleagues,

As the President of Iranian Dental Association, this is my great pleasure to deliver this message on the auspicious occasion of the first ICOI Congress in Iran.

Organized by renowned Iranian scholars, ICOI Congress features panels of national as well as international experts including Dr. Kenneth Judy, ICOI Co-Chairman for improving dental professionals' knowledge and clinical skills in the field of implant dentistry.

Chaired by a noted Iranian prosthodontist, IRAN COI Congress has the support of Iranian Dental Association.

Offering continuing dental education through convening international congresses is one of the main objectives of all scientific societies in the field of dentistry which dramatically enhance the knowledge and clinical skills of dentists.
Iranian Dental Association strives for excellence in dental profession and backs all scientific dental societies due to achieve it.

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of ICOI Congress organizing committee members as well as other noted dental professionals for their support, help, and consistent effort to make this congress a success. I highly appreciate and value the attendance of prominent national and international lecturers as well as the participation of Iranian dental professionals at the first ICOI International Congress.


With my best regards, I remain.


Dr. Gholamreza Ghaznavi

President of Iranian Dental Association